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"The Last Places - Path to the roots" Showreel
Markus Mauthe

"The Last Places - Path to the roots" Showreel


Filmmakers & Storytellers for the planet


Mauthe-Media creates and produces movies, series and multimedia shows.
Our core competencies are climate and environment as well as social and societal issues.

We do well-founded and in-depth research. We tell stories based on facts and emotions. We also show solutions and opportunities for participation
. Our goal is to touch and inspire people.

Mauthe-Media wants to follow and show global developments with in-house production.
Making the change to a sustainable and just way of life visible is important to us.

Mauthe-Media realizes media ... for you, for us - for the planet.

Markus Mauthe 
Production manager

Markus Mauthe is one of the most renowned nature photographers in Germany. For over 30 years he has been traveling the world to document its beauty but also its vulnerability.

Markus Mauthe is well known as a speaker and ambassador for Greenpeace. He is the founder of the nature conservation organization AMAP, which runs reforestation projects in the rainforest and ecological cocoa cultivation

on the Brazilian cocoa coast.  

Mauthe lives on Lake Constance

as well as with his Brazilian wife Juliana on her family's farm in Bahia.

As the founder and production manager of Mauthe-Media, he is responsible for the productions.

For him it is a matter of personal importance to put his skills at the service of climate protection, sustainability and mutual tolerance.

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Agnès Lamacz

Communication & Marketing

 Since completing her Master´s degree in Business Languages, Marketing and Intercultural Management in 2008, Agnès Lamacz has worked in France and Germany in a wide range of industries, where she discovered her passions: Knowledge transfer, cultural understanding, climate protection and climate justice. As a freelancer, she works for non-profit organizations, large and small, including as an event manager for Greenpeace Germany ans as a guide and workshop leader to inspire school classes on sustainability topics. She joined the Mauthe-Media team in in 2024 with the aim of marketing Markus Mauthe´s documentary films. 


André D´Elia
Creative - team
Director and Producer

André D`Elia is one of the most renowned directors and producers in South America.

For years André D´Elia has been working with numerous organizations such as Greenpeace, WWF and UNESCO to make films about the exploitation of people and the environment. As a frequent award-winner, his documentaries are among the most successful of their genre and have been streamed million times in Brazil and the USA. As part of the creative team at Mauthe-Media, André D`Elia makes films that show the destruction of the environment and injustices on our planet. For him it is a matter of personal importance to reach people, enlighten them and inspire them with unique productions. 


Nick Platzer
Creative team

Cinematograph and DIT

Nick Platzer is an aspiring filmmaker from southern Germany. After his studies

at the elite business college CBS Cologne, he decided to devote himself entirely to documenting the beauty, diversity and also the protection of our world. 

His goal is on the one hand to enlighten with his films, but also to give people a voice who are often overheard.

With his extensive technical knowledge of camera, sound and editing, he supports Markus and André and follows them to the most remote places in our beautiful but endangered planet.


Christine Wollowski
Creative team
Research and Administration

Christine Wollowski is a journalist specializing in indigenous ethnic and minority issues. She studied philosophy, literature and languages ​​in Munich and Paris. Ms. Wollowski is part of the Weltreporter Network and lives and works in Brazil. In the Mauthe-Media team, she is responsible for researching the productions and helps with administrative matters. Like everyone in the team, she never stopped believing in the possibility of a fair and sustainable form of society.





“Journey to the climate"  Showreel

“Journey to the climate" Showreel

A journey to the tipping points of the climate. Two generations in conversation about the state of our earth. Young activists in their resistance. A global idea that enables you to become part of a movement. “Journey to the Climate” is a documentary. Brilliant images fascinate and at the same time create awareness of urgently needed action. Clear facts shatter. Young ideas motivate and inspire. An appell that shakes, moves and inspires people to make their own contribution to a sustainable world. Director: Markus Mauthe Eine Reise zu den Kipppunkten des Klimas. Zwei Generationen im Gespräch über den Zustand unserer Erde. Junge Aktivist*innen in ihrer Gegenwehr. Eine weltumspannende Idee, die ermöglicht, Teil einer Bewegung zu werden. „Die Reise zum Klima“ ist ein Dokumentarfilm. Brillante Bilder faszinieren und erzeugen zugleich ein Bewusstsein für dringend erforderliches Handeln. Klare Fakten erschüttern. Junge Ideen motivieren und begeistern. Ein Aufruf, der Menschen wachrüttelt, bewegt und inspiriert, den eigenen Beitrag zu einer nachhaltigen Welt zu leisten. Regie: Markus Mauthe Danke für's Zuschauen! Dir gefällt das Video? Dann schreibe mir gerne in die Kommentare und abonniere meinen Kanal: Bleibe mit mir in Verbindung: ► Facebook: ► Instagram: ► Website: ► YouTube:
The heart is the compass

The heart is the compass

The heart is the compass 30 years of voyages of discovery - One global commitment “The heart is the compass” shows the autobiographical story of the world discoverer Axel Brümmer. On the bike he got to know countless countries and cultures over a distance of over 200,000 kilometers. For years he sailed from China to South America in a self-made junk. And finally he paddled a canoe across the rivers of the Amazon in the footsteps of Alexander von Humboldt. Grateful to have experienced all this, but shaken by the human fate that met him, the movie builds a bridge to Brümmer's global social commitment today. An inspiring documentary about a life marked by adventures, humanity and love for the planet and its inhabitants. Director: Markus Mauthe ------------------------------------ 30 Jahre Entdeckungsreisen - Ein globales Engagement „Das Herz ist der Kompass“ zeigt die autobiografische Geschichte des Weltenentdeckers Axel Brümmer. Auf dem Fahrrad lernte er auf über 200.000 Kilometern unzählige Länder und Kulturen kennen. Mit einer selbstgebauten Dschunke segelte er jahrelang von China nach Südamerika. Und schließlich paddelte er mit dem Kanu über die Flüsse des Amazonas auf den Spuren von Alexander von Humboldt. Dankbar, dies alles erlebt zu haben, aber erschüttert über die menschlichen Schicksale, die ihm begegneten, spannt der Film den Bogen zu Brümmers heutigem weltweiten, soziale Engagement. Eine inspirierende Dokumentation über ein Leben im Zeichen der Abenteuerlust, der Menschlichkeit und der Liebe zum Planeten und seinen Bewohner*innen. Regie: Markus Mauthe
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